Looking for Entire Health Services? You’ve come to the right place: EHS closed on 17th Feb 2023. Ascent Physiotherapy have now moved into their premises on Cooma Street!

Class Timetable

Find below the Term Classes.

Term 4 Class Timetable 2022

Monday Tuesday
7.00am Foundation Physio Led Rehab
9:00am Social Seniors Exercise Social Seniors Exercise Social Seniors Exercise Social Seniors Exercise
10:00am Social Seniors Exercise Social Seniors Exercise Social Seniors Exercise Social Seniors Exercise Social Seniors Exercise
12:00pm Progression Physio Led Rehab
12:30pm Foundation Physio Led Rehab Progression Physio Led Rehab
5:15pm Pre/Peri Natal Physio Led Rehab
No Yoga this Term
Foundation Physio Led Rehab
6:30pm Pre/Peri Natal Physio Led Rehab Progression Physio Led Rehab


Foundation/Progression Physio Rehab – small group rehab class
Seniors Social Exercise – fun exercise class for Seniors
Yoga – instructor led - traditional slow and meditative yoga class

Physiotherapist and Exercise Physiologist Led Classes (*):

The classes led by our Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologist are designed to address specific chronic illnesses and conditions, as well as for those who just want to increase their fitness levels and well being.

Prior to commencing any group rehabilitation class our physios will need to perform a pre-screening on you.

This is a one-off, hour long appointment ($130) where all your previous injury, pregnancy and/or medical conditions are discussed.

Pre-screenings allow our physios to safely prescribe exercises individually tailored for you for each class. Classes are suitable for all fitness levels.

Physiotherapy Led, Small Group Rehabilitation Classes (existing classes)*

  • $350 per term (10 classes)
  • May be claimable on private health
  • One hours duration per class
  • Casual Classes not available.

Small Group rehabilitation classes are run by our physiotherapists and are limited to 6 participants per class.

The exercises incorporated in the classes stretches all the major muscle groups in the body to improve flexibility, strength, and body awareness.

These classes are suitable for anyone wanting guidance in their care of low back pain, neck pain, pre/post pregnancy, post menopause and many other musculoskeletal conditions.

Seniors Social Exercise Classes

  • $10 per class
  • Not claimable on Private Health
  • 45 minutes duration per class
  • Casual attendance welcome

These classes are structured to improve your balance and strength through fun activities and exercises shared with people of a similar age.

The aim of the class is to help you feel confident and comfortable within your home and in the wider community.

Vinyasa Yoga

  • $160 per term (8 classes)
  • One hours duration per class
  • Casual classes not available.

Vinyasa slow flow yoga is a combination of vinyasa and hatha yoga combining movement with breath. It is slower than vinyasa yoga and more flowing than hatha yoga.

Everyone practices at their own level of intensity and I offer variations and modifications to the poses and sequences to make it more accessible.

It incorporates breathing techniques, meditation and relaxation.

Mindfulness Meditation

  • Available Term 4 2022
  • $200 - 8 week guided meditation course
  • Casual classes not available.

The numerous benefits of meditation include experiencing calmness, less emotional reactivity, mental clarity and increased energy levels.

To find out more or to book a class:


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