Looking for Entire Health Services? You’ve come to the right place: EHS closed on 17th Feb 2023. Ascent Physiotherapy have now moved into their premises on Cooma Street!

About Sue Plant

Bowen Therapist

Sue suffered with neck, shoulder and back pain for many years. After many trips to the physiotherapist, chiropractor and massage therapist, nothing provided lasting improvements until she discovered Bowen Therapy.

Several years on, Sue loves the way that my body responds to Bowen Therapy.

It is a complementary therapy that is holistic and completely natural.

Through gentle rolling movements it hydrates the fascia and prompts the body to heal itself. 

She regularly has ‘upkeep’ treatments in response to life’s journey and for self-care. The feeling Sue gets during and after a treatment is what she likes to call the ‘marshmallow effect’. Not only do you feel more relaxed, it makes you sleep sounder and for longer.

Bowen Therapy has taught Sue the benefits of good hydration, regular movement  and better body understanding. Not only does she feel more attuned to her body, she knows that it nurtures my body, mind and soul.

As Sue puts it .. I feel more relaxed and ‘present’ in my body. The body amazes and fascinates me. How it functions, the way it moves and what it can achieve, it is truly astounding.

Sue first learnt about the body when she became a fitness leader in my late twenties. While she is no longer in the fitness industry this desire to understand and learn more about the body is one of the many reasons she chose to learn Bowen Therapy.

Sue's intention is to share this beautiful and special modality with as many people as possible, one person at a time.

Sue's hope is to improve the quality of life for her family, friends and community.

As says with a personal message... "I would love for you to experience a treatment with me."


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